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Version: SDK V2


With the upgrade to the Biconomy Smart Account V2 our smart accounts no longer store ownership information and no longer have a default algorithm for validating signatures. This allows for more easily building modules that contain arbitrary Validation logic before executing user operations.

Custom Validation algorithms are one of the the key features of Account Abstraction and open up the ability to provide better customized user experiences in your wallets and dApps.

Refer to the chart below for the modules currently available with the Biconomy SDK:

ECDSA Ownership ModuleThis module relies on ECDSA. The EOA owners public key is needed to sign and verify a message. This can also be used as default and active validation modules.0x0000001c5b32F37F5beA87BDD5374eB2aC54eA8e
MultiChain Validation ModuleThis module is an extenstion of the ECDSA Module. In addition to the ECSA functionality this module allows for dispatching multiple userOps to different EVM chains. Can be used in place of ECDSA Module as default and active validation modules.0x000000824dc138db84FD9109fc154bdad332Aa8E
Session Key Manager ModuleThis module enables the use of sessions with session validation modules which can be deployed at different addresses. The validation modules themselves do not get implemented as modules but can be managed by this one. This can only be used as an active validation module.0x000000456b395c4e107e0302553B90D1eF4a32e9
Batched Session Router ModuleThis module works with Session Key Manager Module. Normally only one session key signed userOp could be executed, this module allows for multiple session operations.0x000008dA71757C0E1D83CE56c823e25Aa49bC058